Go to meet at Central Train Station in Eddy Av. around 10am, but unfortunately have to go back to uni to observe my activity assays' result..No matter how, back home and have breakfast (Ham Sandwich + Fried rice from MAMAK)..and catch a bus to Central..very unlucky that we just missed 372 for less than 5min, have to catch another bus 377 o 373 to go to the central..
Suppose to have Zhi Yin on the bus too but she missed it while watching us (Me, Kuan and Han Fui) at the traffic light on the opposite side of the road..haha..Kuan said he had the feeling that she wouldnt be able to catch that bus..and he did it!!! lol..
Meet Cat, Wei Sheng, Sherwin, William, Lip Son, Derrick and Zhi Yin in Central..then we catch a train to Sydney Olympic Park where the shows is held..well..with 10 of us on the train..it seems not so quiet and harmony..cz basically we (3 of us) being late for around 10min and Cat desperately wanted a culprit from us..and in the end..Cat did finalised it and put my name on it with another Pizza as part of the punishment...T__T
Well..reach there around 10.30am..time to get some fun...First thing that we did were buy some showbags for Rachel, Hello Kitty showbag and Pokemon Showbag..while Zhi Yin and Cat have a Cadbury showbag with a red...duno wat its called? sorry for that..XP mine is a Freddo showbag with heaps of chocolate..walk around..see around...lots and lots of people around..but not as described by Vee in which people will walk back to back and just go off in that way for the whole day..
Anyway, the show is reli reli fun and exciting in my opinion, no idea how others think about it..but its reli amazing..the V6 rally is reli amazing with all those superior driving skill..I guess it was rubbing each other still but seems fine from up there in the seats..enjoying the shows with chic schnitzel and chips..Free styler motor show with all kind of deadly show..just as shown in the video and pics below...:
Well..finish the show after an hour and keep walking around with the map printed by Cat at 2am..night before..(show appreciation)..and looking for foods and drinks..such as sausages, cheesy bread, choc banana which is so straight and have an argument with Zhi Yin about it..will show u the pic about it and let u judge whether its a real banana or not? and the
n we head to the Woodchoping Shows..NZ won the game, follow by Aus, US
A and Canada..kind of fun but its real hot out there..reli sympathy about them having contest under the hot blazing sun..
After that, straight up continue with more walks...lunch time..sit down have a break..the Classic during the lunch time would be Lindt's Voodoo doll and Key presented by Cat..not saying anymore cz she is real sad about it..Burger..drinks, lemonade...
More walks into animal farm including piglet, sheep, cow...etc etc..Showbags, food tasting session would be much more fun cz we were trying stall-by-stall basis to have all the foods including chilli with bread, dried fruits like mangoes, strawberries..fruit juices..etc etc..real fun hei..
After that went into the extreme park where all the exciting rides located..well those rides would be better than Gold Coast Dreamworld I guess..cz its more excitement, and more fun with more ppl may be..10 of us, 7 on the rides..wahahah..including Zhi Yin..cant believe isnt it..lol
Drizzling at night around 8pm, luckily we are well prepared and have enough umbrella..well just to finishing the coupon, play as many rides as we can..and I did some 3 points basketball game..din score one..T__T..and thats the end..
Finale would be a 10min long firework, its reli nice cz I just reach the stadium and the firework goes off within 5s, can u believe it? haha..
Rush to Train station as fast as we can once the firework is over, but still with running, jogging and walking, we still miss the train by split second..we are right in front of the door when its closing..sigh..Back to Central and back home for dinner.
Well real time Finale would be supper with Shih Chin from Melbourne, she is one of my senior from TARC who came here 2 years earlier than me..have a nice talk with her brother, Kuan Minn, Zhi Yin, Cat, and long time no see - Kif..haha Well..I think thats long enought for a day!
Look forward to the next trip, most desired location would be New Zealand o Cairns!
1 comment:
Wah.. ur blog is really comprehensive.. describe the whole of our trip.. i really love the Easter Show.. dunno how the rest think though.. hehe.. and hor.. the red thing is called ELMO..haha.. and in the blog, keep on talk bad things about me is it??haha..
Hai.. talking about my Lindt voodoo doll.. i was really sad at that time coz the doll is so impt to me..
Saw that ur next destination is cairns or new zealand.. soo cool.. i bet i wun be around for the next trip.. will be really sad.. how i wish i could go with u guys... i am sure it will be really fun!
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