Friday, March 28, 2008
Easter Break!!
My Easter Break 2008 in Sydney is totally spoiled..well cant say completely have nothing..just tat receiving heaps and heaps of knowledge, accumulated tiredness, heaps of lab work, and heaps of early sleep...
My routine for Tuesday to Friday (This Morning) was sleep at 9.30-10pm, wake up at 3.40am, go to work until 8am, and then have breakfast at home (could be a short one...not much time tho..) lab for Bacteria & Disease from 9am till 1pm, lunch break an hour, back in 2pm till 6pm..
Reach home, first thing to do - cook dinner, eat it, take bath, facebook, check mail, sleep...zzz isnt tat crapp??! Today is the worst, thought can finish B&D earlier at 1pm, group meeting with Eric, Arthur and Han Fui till 3.30pm, in the end have to stay in the lab doing serial dilution and drop plate till 7pm..
The Conclusion is : I have got exhausted body, exhausted brain, still actively typing finger, half closed eye...etc etc
This is the crappiest mid session break that I have ever had! Heaps of knowledge being pushed into my brain..a bit full at the moment..its time to defragment again..or else lag is inevitable..
Luckily!!! Tmr and Sunday will be free..but not actually cz Saturday at least have to go to lab for 3-4hrs if I can do quickly, anything wrong could make me stay for 5hrs long...T__T
Close to sleeping time..gtg Siam write my lab book instead of blog!! haha
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Easter Shows 2008
Go to meet at Central Train Station in Eddy Av. around 10am, but unfortunately have to go back to uni to observe my activity assays' result..No matter how, back home and have breakfast (Ham Sandwich + Fried rice from MAMAK)..and catch a bus to Central..very unlucky that we just missed 372 for less than 5min, have to catch another bus 377 o 373 to go to the central..
Suppose to have Zhi Yin on the bus too but she missed it while watching us (Me, Kuan and Han Fui) at the traffic light on the opposite side of the road..haha..Kuan said he had the feeling that she wouldnt be able to catch that bus..and he did it!!! lol..
Meet Cat, Wei Sheng, Sherwin, William, Lip Son, Derrick and Zhi Yin in Central..then we catch a train to Sydney Olympic Park where the shows is held..well..with 10 of us on the seems not so quiet and basically we (3 of us) being late for around 10min and Cat desperately wanted a culprit from us..and in the end..Cat did finalised it and put my name on it with another Pizza as part of the punishment...T__T
Well..reach there around 10.30am..time to get some fun...First thing that we did were buy some showbags for Rachel, Hello Kitty showbag and Pokemon Showbag..while Zhi Yin and Cat have a Cadbury showbag with a red...duno wat its called? sorry for that..XP mine is a Freddo showbag with heaps of chocolate..walk around..see around...lots and lots of people around..but not as described by Vee in which people will walk back to back and just go off in that way for the whole day..
Anyway, the show is reli reli fun and exciting in my opinion, no idea how others think about it..but its reli amazing..the V6 rally is reli amazing with all those superior driving skill..I guess it was rubbing each other still but seems fine from up there in the seats..enjoying the shows with chic schnitzel and chips..Free styler motor show with all kind of deadly show..just as shown in the video and pics below...:
Well..finish the show after an hour and keep walking around with the map printed by Cat at 2am..night before..(show appreciation)..and looking for foods and drinks..such as sausages, cheesy bread, choc banana which is so straight and have an argument with Zhi Yin about it..will show u the pic about it and let u judge whether its a real banana or not? and the
n we head to the Woodchoping Shows..NZ won the game, follow by Aus, US
A and Canada..kind of fun but its real hot out there..reli sympathy about them having contest under the hot blazing sun..
After that, straight up continue with more walks...lunch time..sit down have a break..the Classic during the lunch time would be Lindt's Voodoo doll and Key presented by Cat..not saying anymore cz she is real sad about it..Burger..drinks, lemonade...
More walks into animal farm including piglet, sheep, cow...etc etc..Showbags, food tasting session would be much more fun cz we were trying stall-by-stall basis to have all the foods including chilli with bread, dried fruits like mangoes, strawberries..fruit juices..etc etc..real fun hei..
After that went into the extreme park where all the exciting rides located..well those rides would be better than Gold Coast Dreamworld I its more excitement, and more fun with more ppl may be..10 of us, 7 on the rides..wahahah..including Zhi Yin..cant believe isnt
Drizzling at night around 8pm, luckily we are well prepared and have enough umbrella..well just to finishing the coupon, play as many rides as we can..and I did some 3 points basketball game..din score one..T__T..and thats the end..
Finale would be a 10min long firework, its reli nice cz I just reach the stadium and the firework goes off within 5s, can u believe it? haha..
Rush to Train station as fast as we can once the firework is over, but still with running, jogging and walking, we still miss the train by split second..we are right in front of the door when its closing..sigh..Back to Central and back home for dinner.
Well real time Finale would be supper with Shih Chin from Melbourne, she is one of my senior from TARC who came here 2 years earlier than me..have a nice talk with her brother, Kuan Minn, Zhi Yin, Cat, and long time no see - Kif..haha Well..I think thats long enought for a day!
Look forward to the next trip, most desired location would be New Zealand o Cairns!
Friday, March 21, 2008
Buzz Week..
Working 4-9am in Coles, class at 10am..its reli painful to work tat much cz I am nearly a full time student + part time lab researcher or close to full timer in lab work I suppose..+ casual / part time worker in its freaking Extra full timer I am..
Just had some time to play some mahjong, lami, its Good Friday and everyone seems to back to uni to do lab DO I..stay in lab for 3hrs again today..I think would be more than 20hrs I suppose..and not getting very good result in research work..SIANzzz
Read Some blog..RH's blog is a bit tat Pig Head mad at herself..funny hei? But yea..I admit that her life in NUS is reli stressful..haha can feel it cz I spent the most time reading in tat 3 days in NUS for the entire holiday that I have had for the past 5 Not exaggerating man..its real and I have read more than 30 pages...Ecological science research bits of reading due to my summer research..Be Cool and Calm my sis..
Life getting more and more packed..literature review, SDU = Student Diagnosis Unit for bacteriology study in lab during Easter week, Mid sem Exam right after tat..Literature Search for my Mini Project..and etc etc..Cant imagine I am typing non sense here and still killing time...
Time to get some real progress and looking forward to Easter Show...a day of workfree...
Tired, Frustrated, Exhausted....another lab book in the way!!! T_T
Oh yeah! Just remember there was a real time incident happen on Thursday where one of my colleague got rob by three freaking sluts on the street..He was on the street towards Coles, well so DO I was on the street too..But I am just 5min behind him..Thats how I get my ass out of tat..real escapee..I nearly run into those 3 sluts when I was walking floatingly due to sleepiness..But I remain cautious when I saw them on the street and walk silently and slowly..phew..they crossed the street right in front..LUCKY!! But my colleague got bitten real hard..Bleeding over his uniform and lost his mobile and some bucks..Just thank god that I am 1 o 2min later..or else I would be the victim..gona get myself some pepper spray and stuff to protect myself..Real Scare...gona have the same shift next week T_T
+ Frightened now...Work WOrk!!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Give up Volleyball?
Volleyball give me so much fun for all these years..but at this moment it had been a 'burden'? for me?
First of all, play volleyball cost me $300 for club fees, roughly $120 for each of the state cup, and $10-15 for everyday sunday during SVL.
Second, it cost me 4 hours of training per week, which is reasonable, but each of the state cup will the state cup will cost me more than 2 days, which is whole weekend..Its costly in tat way....
So..should I stay on and could I? Cause I still need to work 20hours a week in Coles, plus unlmited hours in lab for my mini project..with 3 other courses tat would cost me heaps and heaps of time..Even when I just came back from Newcastle State Cup yesterday around 4.30pm, have been to lab since 5pm-8.++pm..
Can I choose to have more time each day instead? In that way I would be able to do everything...Well, shift in Coles has been given 4-9am for 3-4days a week...I am gona be Vampire I reckon..Anyway..time to study and sleep in another one hour..
Just finish reading RH's blog..looks like she have been thanking everyone..writing appreciation letter huh? lol..anyway Have To STUDY by now..ANYONE could give me an answer?
STAY ON @ play?
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Zero Break!
Started when I wake up from 8am, and reach uni at 9am for Bacteria and Disease Lab class, its a holy long day for me...
For your information this is the first week of my semester! The lab took 4hours from 9am-1pm with only 5min break, where tat 5 min I had used it for checking my plates in micro lab (mini project!) Then it last till 1pm..
The first thing tat comes into mind for sure is LUNCH BREAK! However I have no chance to think about it any second and rush to my lab and start mixing the overnight cultures and serial dilution for 6 isolates! (Seems easy right? Its 3 replicates for each isolates and also one negative control --> Total 19 serial dilution needs to be done!)
Well, the good thing is I have Nigel (my supervisor) to help me, but the bad thing is he pipetted 50ul for serial dilution, in which the protocol require 100ul....T.T Again, things have to be repeat for those 3isolates tat he had done!
Biotech A lan class started at 2pm, went to tutorial room and have a KitKat brought from home by Han Fui, and listening to Russ and Jeff tutoring about lab safety and the significance of Lactococcus subspecies lactis in cheese making industry...Havent even finish my SD man...omg..listening to them are better than anything to bring me into subconcious state..sleep!
However, have a 20min break around 3.40pm, run back to lab for SD, done another 6 out of 9, I am DONE! no break after tat...nothing I can do, will leave it for Nigel to finish it! Sorry for troubles my supervisor..=(
lab finish at 6pm with bloody Cheese testing Concept tutorial..Yeah You are Right! We test and taste 7 different type of cheese during the class and have to record the taste including taste, aroma, texture and colour of the Is tat a Heaven?
Its not end tat quick man, work in Coles started at 6pm..supposingly but I went in 10min past 6pm, have to finish 10 past too...T.T
After 4hours of combating..reach home around 20 past 10pm with terribly exhausted flesh..Fried rice by myself..just learn to leave a portion for tmr's lunch in Uni too..too bad tat my lunch would be KitKat..
Wat a day..ZEro Break!!!
Monday, March 10, 2008
4am shift @_@
Things that I need to do:
(1) Throw - get rid of all the bad fruits and vege, nearly all because those vege staying out of cold room for whole night already..10-15min
(2) Refill - get all the vege refill with new one from cold room, just get everything out of cold room, that the most desired outcome, unfortunately its just too difficult nowadays, always fully loaded cold room at night!..30min
(2B) Value Added - Take up most time, rearranging, check date..and stuff..30-45min
(2C) Cuts - cut watermelon, honeydew, pineapple, papaw...45min
(3) Tidy up the Back - get all the crates onto pellet and wrap it up when its done!..5min
(4) Wait for the load - When the load is here, get all the empty stuff onto the shelf (quickest part) cz I like it when I can fill alot of stuff..too boring when need to fill small small feeling!..1-2hrs
(5) Chao at 9am - Most of the things done!
Is it too easy? Dun think I can lost weight with that..Anyway, back to lab now!
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Why Government want to denied 2/3 majority in parliment. Is that another decision to prevent Malaysia to become more democratic?
There is always choices to make, and this time Malaysian had make the better choice due to so many decisions that made by the government had prove to rise the people's disagreement. BN (Barisan National) had lost 5 state in the latest election just happened 2days ago showed that people's anger and unhappy with previous government. What we hope for is a new resolution for the government and decision that pleased the people..If you ask me what the decision would be, I couldn't be able to answer because people are so difficult to be please
Anyway, even my Prof and supervisor let me choose what I would like to do for my project..Completely up to me, due to knowledge and time constraint, not much can be decide but choose for the one the I can learn and do in shortest time!
Will be re-screen all the isolates that can live with D2, then test it with the inhibitory activity testing and follow by transposon mutagenesis. It will be time consuming process and exhaust my energy for sure. Despite the difficulty and challenge of the task, I am looking forward to Fight!
Will you too? for Freedom? Cheers for Malaysia!
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Rush or Rest?
Sometimes when everything is ready, you might be feeling reluctant to rush, considering rest as the best choice. In the other end, you might not be able to do anything because nothing is prepare.
Instant example, planning to grow my bacteria by tonight, so I have more than 24hrs for growth, but I just found out that the samples being moved to somewhere else due to freezer maintenance, I have no where to ask, have to Sit back and relax for weekend. Is that a choice to make?
Rush, because I want to proceed to my next stage of experiment quicker, the quicker I move forward the better I can answer the question arised!
Rest, is also essential, for proceeding to next stages in life. Its also important for the beginning of a brand New day!
Wats your choice?
Friday, March 7, 2008
Philosophy of Blogging
Somehow as advised by Han Fui, blog should be written more on the things tat I understand and things That I should share such as knowledge..
Anyone has any idea What it should be, welcome for any advice or comments!
Wake up in the morning and start putting this up..isn't that nice? ^.^ Am waiting to go to the lab actually, but I dun have access yet so still need to wait for my friends to get there, card access only be done next week...T.T (Don't ask me to wait outside the building till the next person go in and follow their back..its embarassing, I have tried once last summer..)
As far as I am concern, my experties would be volleyball, half in soccer I guess, science..still a newborn in this field..well let me know if anyone
Nice Sunny Day!
Busy bEE...
Day 1 (Tue) :
- Cleaning...vacuuming, clean toilet too...XS
- Find Manager for shifts in Coles..
Day 2 (Wed) :
- Found out clothes abandon for too long could have fleas..causing allergic response on hand and thigh..Clean & Wash 80% of the clothes..unfortunately, I have brought too many clothes to Sydney, and forcing me to wash for 3-4 rounds using Washing Machine (poor machine, have to work full time). Sun dry the clothes..
- Went to uni to make Id card, settle bank stuff, Volleyball training at 5-7pm..
Day 3 (Thur) :
- Meeting with Staffan at 9am, but canceled;
- work from 9.30am-6.30pm, sun-dry my bed during my break,
- sun dry my clothes..Iron all dry clothes(nearly 2hrs ironing non stop - another poor machine involved)..
Day 4 (Fri-today) :
- Meeting with A.Prof Mike Edwards at 9am to arrange my enrolment, finally done after so many months planning..
- Met Staffan at 10pm and talk about my mini project for the following 12 weeks..would be roughly confirming those positive result to be able to live with D2 as a reproducible result, and then follow by --> sequencing (those tat have not been squenced before) --> transposon mutagenesis to find out genes responsible for D2 resistant! --> Chemistry analysis of responsible product..If everything went well would certainly reach transposon stage..hope o complete tat stage as I could answer the Question: What makes it resist to D2's antibiotic activities? which is so EXCITING!!!
- Get HEATER from garage and warm the room up to kill insects..together with Mortein Insecticides Spray (the room was like
- Back to Uni to prepare media..since started next week, have to get those isolates to grow on Monday in case I need to finish Serial dilution by friday, cz weekend will be leaving to Newcastle for Volleyball State Cup!!
- Jog to Coogee with Han Fui, met Kuan & Kelvin when we reach, therefore go for another jog, from Coogee..towards the direction Bondi..until the port..damn tired..feel like cramp at any time
- Dinner at Honey Wok in Kingsford with Rui Ping also..
- Plan experiment for next week!
- Blogging --hahaha
Next would be sleep or reading some stuffs ba..=)
Thursday, March 6, 2008
CNY '08 in Msia

Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Back In Sydney
The first thing to do was CLeaning!!! the spider was too rude, taking up too much space until we cant tolerate anymore, the last resort was to destroyed their home to reclaim our small teritory...Hehe..1.5hours of cleaning including vacuuming, wipe out all the dust, windows, and also was a completely mess!! Just like have been abandon for yeeears..
Neway, after cleaning will be time to find my manager, my job is just as essential, cz it has been supporting all my living expenses in Sydney, but unfortunately my manager wasnt on shift, therefore just had a short chat with colleague ( Suria, Jay & Poppy) to get to know what had happened when I was away, surprisingly, short of staffs, Poppy keep losing weight, ppl still suffering whole lot of pressure from above..sigh..bought some Chic Thigh ($8 - 0.75kg) and marinated with Sesame oil + Salt + pepper ( usual flavor) lol..for dinner!! Thats life in Sydney, everything is expensive, only choice would be cooking..sigh..
Even though everything is ready ( cause Han fui bought vege from Oriental also), in the end we decide to have dinner outside since its too tired..went to Noodle house in Maroubra Junction, but I had Thai Basil Pork Rice. lol $8.5 It just cant be any cheaper..tats the moment I keep complaining about Food in NUS..wat a worlD..
Nighttime would be SligHtly interesting - play 'Chim La Mi' with Kuan, ZHi yin, Han Fui & Khoon. Play until Bad luck, never has good cards for the whole night..
Second day
Wake up, went to find My manager, confirm my shift on Thur and Sunday, also confirm meeting with Prof. Staffan (my project supervisor in UNSW) and A.Prof Mike Edwards reagarding enrolment problems, finally settle most of the stuffs and have time to go to uni for a walk. Went to Orientation Street, which is full of all the stall set up by Societies and Club..Settle my OSHC and queue up for Student ID card too...OMG..the new ID card is like a Gold card from any bank!!! Looks so
Volleyball Training at 5pm-7pm, still hitting the net all the time..sigh..i thought I lose weight...
By the way, there are alot of people said I look thinner (Grace, Sunny, Cat..etc), Taller (Cat), and handsome (en dao..XP - Grace)
Dinner as usual, but the busiest thing tat I need to do is cleaning all my clothes, because of abandon for too long, my leg kind of allergic (might be flees??) Thats why has been spending whole afternoon washing my clothes and dry under the sun, unfortunately living room are being crowded by my clothes..lazy to laugh so tired looking at all the clothes..
and Now killing some time by writing all these up..Will be writing about things that I have done in Malaysia for the past 5 weeks..Soon is time to Oi Oi..meeting tmr morning..
Work sumore T.T