Friday, April 18, 2008

Finally, its time to take a deep Breath!!

Its been a long long time where I could have a afternoon nap for

Have been working overtime for the last few day, sleep only 5hrs a day, work 4-8am in the morning in supermarket, then head back to the lab to carry out experiment, and attend classes in sort of tiredness..

Work in Coles is not too hard, starting not to care too much, people takign advantage when u work too hard, take it for granted..and to work by myself until 8am where there should be another person coming in at so so freaking crazy..not suppose to be like tat...How can you just leave me to work by myself..??

Study, busy time, mid session, assignment, just submitted Poster Abstract for Envi. Micro on Wednesday and literature search for BABS3301 today, more is coming next week where Bacteria & Disease essay on Monday, Intro + Method for Env. Micro Major Project on Wednesday, Biotech Primer Design on scary when I think about it..

Lab work, hard hard bacteria doesn't seems to mutate. lasy bastard, rather die than mutate..want a spontaneous mutant of bacteria resistant to Streptomycin 200ug/ml! Once I get mutant have to go into transposon mutagenesis straight away...require to screen at least 1000+ mutant for statistical significant result..worrying not able to finish the exp in time..dun wana disappoint Staffan since he gave me such an opportunity..Work Hard Work Hard!

Back to work, chao..

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