Sunday, March 9, 2008


Malaysia is finally proved to be a democratic country?

Why Government want to denied 2/3 majority in parliment. Is that another decision to prevent Malaysia to become more democratic?

There is always choices to make, and this time Malaysian had make the better choice due to so many decisions that made by the government had prove to rise the people's disagreement. BN (Barisan National) had lost 5 state in the latest election just happened 2days ago showed that people's anger and unhappy with previous government. What we hope for is a new resolution for the government and decision that pleased the people..If you ask me what the decision would be, I couldn't be able to answer because people are so difficult to be please

Anyway, even my Prof and supervisor let me choose what I would like to do for my project..Completely up to me, due to knowledge and time constraint, not much can be decide but choose for the one the I can learn and do in shortest time!

Will be re-screen all the isolates that can live with D2, then test it with the inhibitory activity testing and follow by transposon mutagenesis. It will be time consuming process and exhaust my energy for sure. Despite the difficulty and challenge of the task, I am looking forward to Fight!

Will you too? for Freedom? Cheers for Malaysia!

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